
With over 200,000 complete and visible views of the Clio E-Tech Hybrid TV spot and an ad interaction rate exceeding 7.7%, the campaign generated significant impact in terms of active attention, ad exposure time, and dwell time. The Cost per Visible View (CPV) purchasing model (verified by Oracle/Moat) ensured that the video was on-screen for an average of 19.6 seconds. Additionally, the campaign achieved very low frequencies, high site traffic (more than 11% of users who entered the dedicated microsite visited the Clio E-Tech website), and additional completed views.
French automobile manufacturer Renault Group, in collaboration with media agency OMD, partnered with global video advertising technology company to deliver an innovative ad campaign for the launch of the new Clio E-Tech Hybrid.
The primary objective of the campaign was to drive engagement and consideration among the auto brand’s target consumers. A cross device strategy, targeting audiences at home and on-the-go with interactive video ads, was employed to drive the greatest impact.
Campaign Details
OMD and developed a comprehensive advertising strategy for the Renault Clio E-Tech campaign, leveraging the ad tech company’s TV Magnify and Video Magnify solutions to target and serve ads to consumers “at home” and “everywhere”.’s TV Magnify solution utilizes a household targeting tool that identifies the most relevant connected households and delivers a customized video ad on connected TVs. The CTV ad unit features a QR code that users can scan to further explore the brand’s ad on their mobile devices, offering an opportunity for interaction in a traditionally non-interactive environment. Once household members have viewed the TV spot, they are subsequently re-impacted with an interactive video ad on their personal devices to continue the conversation. For this campaign, the “at home” household targeting strategy was supplemented with an “everywhere” strategy using Video Magnify, which delivers interactive formats on desktops, mobile devices, and OTT content outside the home to increase message visibility. This two-pronged approach achieved impactful, cross-device communication that enabled target audiences to connect with the ad in a meaningful way.
TV Magnify
- 9.8% CTV Engagement Rate
- 0.45% CTV Post Engagement Click-Through Rate
- 19.6 Sec Attention from CTV Engagers
Video Magnify
- 0.7% Click-Through Rate
- 3.0% Engagement Rate
- 71.0% View-Through Rate
- 9.1 Sec Average Time Spent
Brand Lift Study also collaborated with neuromarketing company Neurons to better understand the impact of the ads on user attention. Using predictive AI technology and eye tracking, Neurons creates heat maps of users’ eye attention on the ad and provides results related to variables such as focus and cognitive demand. In the Renault Clio E-Tech Hybrid spot, focus was present at 72% (vs benchmark of 46%), indicating that the message was well accepted and understood by viewers. The second variable measured, cognitive demand (the amount of stimuli a user can process), was measured at 46% (vs benchmark of 41%) and increased at the three-second mark of the TV spot, where the spot included 10 different historical models of the Clio.