July 23, 2024

The Future of Viewability Measurement with VDX.tv

Learn what steps VDX.tv is taking to ensure effective viewability measurement in light of Oracle's exit from the advertising industry.

The Future of Viewability Measurement with VDX.tv

In light of Oracle announcing its exit from the online advertising industry, including the shutdown of its Moat Analytics division, VDX.tv will be transitioning on August 1st to our own mechanism for measuring in-view impressions across all the formats that we serve.

VDX.tv has been a customer of Moat Analytics for several years and has proudly incorporated Moat Analytics’ measurement of in-view into our offerings in an industry-leading manner: 5 seconds on mobile, 10 seconds on display, 15 seconds on video - far in excess of the IAB recommendations on standard viewability.

With this change, we commit to delivering the same level of in-view capabilities to all new and existing clients, and minimizing any disruption caused by Oracle/Moat withdrawing their services.

All VDX.tv creative formats have always included both Moat viewability tracking and our own in-house viewability tracking. Counts from both viewability tracking methods have consistently tracked each other since the inception of our measurement partnership with Moat 5 years ago.

We believe that using a third-party to measure our viewability contributes to a stronger product and so are exploring solutions with other MRC accredited measurement partners to provide this validation. We will provide an update once we have integrated a new 3rd-party measurement partner.

We thank you for your flexibility during this transition period.

For any questions, please contact hello@vdx.tv

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