October 10, 2024

Outsmarting the Election Ad Frenzy: How Travel Brands Can Break Through with CTV

Learn how CTV advertising can help your travel brand stand out amid the political noise this election season.

Beatriz Lirola
Beatriz Lirola
Lead of Industry Solutions - Travel
Outsmarting the Election Ad Frenzy: How Travel Brands Can Break Through with CTV

As election season heats up, travel brands face a daunting challenge: staying visible amid the flood of political ads dominating TV and digital channels. But there’s a solution to stay top-of-mind. Connected TV (CTV) offers a unique opportunity for travel brands to cut through the clutter and reach highly targeted audiences, keeping their message clear and impactful, even in a crowded market.

Election Season Ad Saturation

In 2020, political ad spending hit a staggering $8.5 billion across TV and digital platforms. This surge drives up competition and costs, especially on traditional TV, where CPMs can rise by 20-40% during peak election periods. Paying these premiums is not always feasible for travel brands, which often operate with tighter post-pandemic budgets. The good news is that according to eMarketer, CTV only accounted for 2.7% of total US political spend in 2020 and is only predicted to reach 5.4% of total CTV ad spend in 2024, making the impact of the election smaller on CTV than on linear.

Why CTV Is the Key for Travel Brands

The power of CTV is that it combines the immersive experience of TV with the precise targeting capabilities of digital. This makes CTV the ideal solution for travel brands looking to outmaneuver the competition during election cycles.

  • Targeted Reach: CTV allows travel brands to bypass expensive, overcrowded TV spots by delivering ads to highly specific audiences based on behavior, interests, and demographics. For example, luxury travel brands can target high-income households, while adventure brands can zero in on outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Lower CPMs: Unlike traditional TV, where election spending inflates costs, CTV CPMs remain more stable, averaging $20-$25 compared to $45-$50 on linear TV during election seasons.
  • Increased Ad Inventory: With 93% of households now reachable via CTV, streaming platforms offer more premium ad space than ever. As streaming continues to grow, accounting for 37.7% of total TV time, travel brands can maintain visibility without competing directly with political ads.

How VDX.tv Delivers Effective Campaigns for Travel Brands

VDX.tv offers distinct advantages for travel brands navigating the challenges of election season:

  1. CPV Pricing Guarantee: VDX.tv’s fixed CPV ensures you only pay for ads that are truly seen, maximizing ROI during the high-competition election period.
  2. Non-Disruptive Ads: Our 100% opt-in ads create a non-intrusive experience, leading to higher engagement and stronger connections with your target audience.
  3. Strategic Timing: We use advanced data to schedule your ads during optimal times, avoiding peak political ad moments and ensuring your brand stands out.
  4. Thoughtful Creative: Our socially responsible, non-partisan creative approach builds trust and resonates with audiences, fostering long-term loyalty.
  5. Reach Without Rate Increases: VDX.tv offers broad reach and scale across CTV without the rate hikes typical during election cycles, ensuring your campaign runs smoothly and cost-effectively.

Use CTV to Your Advantage This Election Season

Partnering with VDX.tv means leveraging expert strategies and innovative tools to navigate election season’s ad frenzy. Ready to drive bookings and boost your brand’s visibility?

Contact us and discover how we can help your travel brand cut through the clutter and truly achieve your goals.

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